As I've said before, I'm not the best blogger. I have to wait for something to hit me to write about and that doesn't happen everyday! Tonight, I am writing about something very near and dear to Granny! My grandmother is an amazing woman! I would say she played a major role in raising me and each of my cousins. As a child, she could spoil the mess out of you and put the fear of God in you at the same time! I practically lived with my grandparents growing up...that's where I was before school, after school, weekends, and every summer as a child!
My Granny was one of those women that everyone knew in a small town...she worked at Hammer's (a store known for selling everything under the sun...think Hardware City with fabric!) and at Crouch's Drug Store in downtown Winchester. You see, Hammer's was a frequent stop among the women of the town, so all the women knew her...and, subsequently, knew all about me and my cousins since grandmother's brag! Whoever she didn't know from Hammer's, she knew from the pharmacy! I honestly think I can attribute my career decision to be a pharmacist to my grandmother. I loved going to visit her at the pharmacy...granted, it was probably because we always got a coke and some candy when we visited, but still I loved it. I remember having an assignment in the 3rd grade where we had to make a poster about what we wanted to be when we grew up...mine was a pharmacist! Visiting her at work sparked my interest in medicine! I saw the respect and trust my grandmother and other people had for the pharmacist and I knew that was what I wanted to do! I wanted to care for people and earn their trust! Thanks Granny for instilling that desire in me!
More than that, my Granny has always been a Godly woman. She was the one that made sure I was in church on Sunday....the one who took me to VBS, the one that got me in the Christmas plays, the one who gave me that dollar to put in the offering plate on Sunday mornings, and the one that showed me the unfailing love of Christ! Thanks Granny for that foundation!
Although much of this is written in past tense, my Granny is still with us! Unfortunately, she is not the Granny we all remember. About five years ago, shortly after my pharmacy school graduation, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This came as no surprise to any of us in the family since she had become increasingly forgetful over the past couple of years leading up to her diagnosis. The part that has come as a surprise to all of us is how quickly this disease progresses and steals that person we know and love so dearly. I can't begin to describe the emotions you feel when you go to visit your grandmother, the woman that practically raised you, and she has no clue who you are. Alzheimer's isn't a disease that eats away at someone physically...a person can be in sound health for their eats away at a person mentally. Over the past few years, I have watched my Granny go from forgetting where she put her keys to forgetting where she parked her car to forgetting how to get back home to forgetting who I am. I don't think anyone can ever mentally prepare themselves for the battle they will face when a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer's.
So, why am I writing about all of this now? Well, the past few years I have wanted to be a part of an event called Memory Walk but I haven't be able to due to scheduling conflicts. Actually, I didn't think I would be able to participate this year either, but our vacation got canceled due to a scheduling conflict with my husband's work. I am really excited that I will get to participate this year! The Memory Walk is a one mile fundraiser walk to help raise money for the Alzheimer's Foundation. The money raised goes to research for treatment, family counseling, and, ultimately, a cure for this terrible disease. I don't normally do these types of fundraisers because I hate asking anyone for donations, but this one is a little more personal for me! That being said, I am asking for support in this year's Memory Walk! The walk is in October and any donation is very much appreciated! I would also love for you to walk with don't have to have any donations to walk, so if you want to walk with me, please do!!
I am attaching the link to the donation website if you would like to donate!
This is me and my Granny at my pharmacy school graduation! It was so special to me that she was there!
Here is the link to my donation page: